Performance 日历



为纪念 | July 17, 2021

爱德华·伯克利 was born in New York City 和 is artistic director of the Willow Cabin Theater Company 和 director of the Aspen Opera Theater Center (where he has directed classics including Cavalli's EliogabaloGiasone, plus new works by Bright Sheng, Augusta Read Thomas, Michael Torke, Mark-Anthony Turnage, H.K. Gruber, Bernard R和). He has directed the New York premieres of plays by Derek Walcott, Israel Horovitz, 特伦斯·麦克纳利, 伦纳德Melfi, 路易丝页面, Tennessee Williams. He has also directed productions for the New York Shakespeare Festival, Houston Gr和 Opera, Library of Congress, Williamstown Theater Festival, Old Globe Theater, New York Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Brooklyn Philharmonic, Atlanta Symphony, Spoleto 和 Ravinia festivals. He  directed Thomas Ades’s 给她的脸上粉 和 Theofinidis’s The Cows of Apollo for Brooklyn Academy of 音乐. At Juilliard he has directed 凡妮莎, The Mighty Casey, Rorem 我们的小镇, Mother of Us All, 唐乔凡尼, The Death of Klinghoffer, The Long Christmas Dinner, The Coronation of Poppea. He is a member of the faculty of the Circle in the Square Theater School; guest faculty for the Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, has been a guest professor at Carleton 大学, Princeton University, Williams 大学. He has been on the faculty at Juilliard since 1987.